Strona główna » Wszystkie » Gordon Haskell - One Day Soon - tekst, tłumaczenie

Gordon Haskell - One Day Soon - tekst, tłumaczenie


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Re: Gordon Haskell - One Day Soon - tekst, tłumaczenie


Odpowiedzi: 249
Wiarygodność: 92%

When I was born I had a stubborn streak
I wouldn't budge and I wouldn't speak
So many tears enought to start a flood
It must be something in my blood

I've got a wheel but I just won't roll
I've got the balls but there is no goal
I see the future choking in the mud
It must be something in my blood

But one day soon and I don't know when to say
I'll need you here to help me find my way
All I know is that it's one day soon

It looked to me like things were upside down
We did our best to turn it all around
But they were quick to nip it in the bud
It must be something in their blood

One day soon and I don't know when to say
I'll need you here to help me find my way
All I'm saying it it's one day soon

It only takes a little understanding
To see what's really going on
All we gotta do is turn the lights back on

One day soon and I don't know when to say
I'll need you here to help me find my way
All I'm saying it it's one day soon

They got so dumb they had to build a wall
We tried to tell them but they knew it all
Where they were going was as clear as mud
It must be something in their blood

They count their money they can't bear to lose
They've got the power but it ain't no use
I'm gonna have to nip it in the bud
It must be something in my blood

And one day soon but I don't know when to say
I'll need you here to help me find my way
All I'm saying it it's one day soon

One day soon and I don't know when to say
I know there's got to be another way
One day soon


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