Strona główna » Wszystkie » proszę o przetłumaczenie na niemiecki

proszę o przetłumaczenie na niemiecki


All the right friends in the all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
We've got all the right moves in the all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

All the right friends in the all the right places
So yeah, we're going down
We've got all the right moves in the all the right faces
So yeah, we're going down

They said, everybody knows everybody knows where we're going
Yeah we're going down
They said, everybody knows everybody knows where we're going
Yeah we're going down

Odpowiedzi (1)

Re: proszę o przetłumaczenie na niemiecki


Odpowiedzi: 2468
Wiarygodność: 82%|de|All%20the%20right%20friends%20in%20the%20all%20the%20right%20places%0ASo%20yeah%2C%20we%27re%20going%20down%0AWe%27ve%20got%20all%20the%20right%20moves%20in%20the%20all%20the%20right%20faces%0ASo%20yeah%2C%20we%27re%20going%20down%0A%0AAll%20the%20right%20friends%20in%20the%20all%20the%20right%20places%0ASo%20yeah%2C%20we%27re%20going%20down%0AWe%27ve%20got%20all%20the%20right%20moves%20in%20the%20all%20the%20right%20faces%0ASo%20yeah%2C%20we%27re%20going%20down%0A%0AThey%20said%2C%20everybody%20knows%20everybody%20knows%20where%20we%27re%20going%0AYeah%20we%27re%20going%20down%0AThey%20said%2C%20everybody%20knows%20everybody%20knows%20where%20we%27re%20going%0AYeah%20we%27re%20going%20down

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